Jonatan Kłosko
(that's me and you ended up on my personal website)
Happy to be writing to you, I hope I find you in a positive state of mind.
My name is Jonatan, I love drinking tea, watching cats, writing code and solving the Rubik's Cube.
Tea is warm, meaning it has high thermal energy. Ever wondered how? Well, it all starts on the Sun, where the gravity is so strong that it causes hydrogen particles to bump into one another and during some of these collisions the particles merge and form a bigger one - helium. As part of this process energy is produced in the form of electromagnetic radiation (heat). This radiation is in fact a group of energy particles called photons and it travels 149,597,870 kilometers to reach the planet Earth. Humans figured many ways to turn this energy into electric power, we call those inventions power stations. I bet solar panels is the first thing that you just thought of, but let's take coal as a less obvious example. Coal was formed from dead plants decaying into the soil and those plants stored energy obtained directly from the solar radiation in the process of photosynthesis. In a power station, coal is burnt to heat water, turning it into steam. Next, the steam flows into a turbine making it spin, which also spins a connected power generator. Once the energy is in the form of electric power, it is transmitted to your house via special lines and powers your kettle, which job is to transform the electric energy into increased thermal energy of your water. Finally, the tea you drink has a way higher temperature than your body and the system wants to reach thermal equilibrium, so heat is transferred, giving you the sensation of getting warmer. All that said, I just like the taste, which is entirely subjective, as is the experience of life. Nonetheless, this exemplifies that there is wonder even to the most prosaic things, when viewed through the lens of curiosity.
Cats are beautiful. There is majesty in their movement and wisdom in their face. They seem to be living a simple life, full of calmness and affirmation. Their sole presence makes people feel happier and safer, at least some of them, which by itself is quite extraordinary. One interesting fact about those lovely creatures is that due to their physique they can climb great heights, but find it immensely tough to come back down. There is an inspiration to be drawn from it, that is, we should properly analyze whatever we are approaching, then once we go for it, focus and commit ourselves to the purpose without looking at the alternatives left behind. Again, the relationship to cats is subjective, but there is an inherent beauty to be found in other beings and the universe.
Code is a form of art. As with any artistic expression, it can manifest astonishing creativity and be aesthetically pleasing. That said, the real value lies in its effects, be it a useful application or a result of a scientific simulation. Code is an amazing tool, capable of empowering people to think wider, achieve greater and live better. This is true for technology in general, the key point is to apply it right. For various reasons it's not always the case, so we should make sure the technology we use positively affects our life, instead of controlling it or causing more suffering. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility.
Rubik's Cube is a fascinating object. Honestly, the more you get to know the rules behind it, the more interesting it turns out to be. Every solve is different, both in terms of solution and the execution. One may think that once you know the formula, it's just a redundant task lacking in elegancy and creativity. On the contrary, with proper understanding comes a realization that every mixed up Rubik's Cube is like a blank canvas - waiting for an artist to paint the solution.
I am a pragmatic person, optimistic within the boundaries of realism, focused on the present and looking forward to the future, a fan of logical reasoning, everyday humor, science, peace and persistence.
If I were to leave you with a single thought, it would be this: whatever happens to us does not define who we are, it's the choices we make that do so.
I am looking forward to enjoying a cup of tea with you one day.